File a U.S. trademark application from outside the U.S.
Beeline Legal
protecting the trademark you love.

  • Easy-to-use, online tool.

  • Access to a real trademark attorney with 20+ years of experience.

  • Affordable packages to fit every budget.

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Packages starting at $499.

Beeline has a package to fit your needs and your budget.
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Bee One
1-2 hours working on my own,
Beeline takes it from there.
I want help and advice from Beeline’s website, but prefer working on my own at my own speed.
Bee Two
45-60 minutes working on my own,
Beeline takes it from there.
I want Beeline to do the search and report back to me, but I can handle the rest with Beeline’s online help.
Bee Three
5-15 minutes on my own,
Beeline takes it from there.
I want to equip Beeline with all the information they need about my trademark, then let them do the rest!
Bee Four
I'll spend the same time as Bee Three plus get extra service after Beeline files my application.
My trademark might not be available or my application might have problems. I need all the Beeline help I can get.
What Our Clients Are Saying...

"Using Beeline for our trademark registration will stand as one of the smartest decisions our company has made to date. As we faced various forms of infringement recently, Beeline was right there to help us protect the brand we’d worked so hard to build. "

- Julie W., CO

"Michele, the attorney behind Beeline, is professional, timely, thorough, and extremely helpful."

- Christine Y., NY

"Thank you - this service has been exceptional thus far. I will most definitely be passing it along to others I know, and I look forward to our other submissions."

- Brandon K., MA

A trademark is a word (or a few words) or a logo that you use to let people know the source of goods. For example, Nike® is a trademark for athletic shoes.

Trademark rights let you stop other people from using your trademark, or a trademark that’s similar to yours, in a way that’s likely to confuse customers.

For a more complete discussion of trademarks and all the weird words lawyers use when talking about trademarks, check out our Trademarks 101.

Your customers have lots of choices. Once they decide they want YOU, you want them to remember you so they’ll come back next time and tell all their friends, too.

That’s what your trademark does for you.

With an asset that valuable, you want the best protection you can get. Trademark registration is strong protection for relatively low cost.

Read more.

Because you’re not ordering a pizza.

The world of trademarks is trickier than it seems, Beeline helps you decide what to include in your application. We explain clearly how those decisions affect your chances of getting a registration and your cost.

Fact: about 25% of trademark applications die on the vine.

So if successful registration and protection of your trademark are your goals, team up with Beeline because we know how to travel a straight path to get things done in the world of trademarks.

Read more.

An “office action” action is a document from the Trademark Office where the examiner lets you know that there are problems with your application.

You can see the meaning of “simple office action” in the
Legal notice and Terms of Use.”

An “office action” action is a document from the Trademark Office where the examiner lets you know that there are problems with your application.

You can see the meaning of “complicated office action” in the
Legal notice and Terms of Use.”

A “statement of use” is a document that you will have to file if you apply for your trademark before you’re actually using it.